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The Fool   &   the shapeshifter

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Being played by the dynamics of life as an improvisational art.

The Fool

The one who dances with death, living in the sublime moment. Expressing what is there with levity and folly. Moving the tragedies of life so the collective can process it.

The Shapeshifter

The one that without props or effects can bend body, space and movement to shift between multiple forms, realities, spaces and other worlds. 


This workshop is based on the paradigm that ‘we are many’ That within each human is a collection of roles that pop up and shift in and out of the stage light as we dance through life.
Sometimes they are desirable, or maybe uncomfortable, or maybe parts that we know very well from our daily lives or on the other hand are very unknown figures from the shadows, maybe there's young parts, critical parts, or parts that we wish were another part.
We are all vibrant a mix of polarities that make for really wonderful dramatic play.













Wouldn’t it be fun if we could embody these roles and let them have fun whilst being witnessed.
Wouldn’t it be a treat to take a dramatic distance from what is happening in us and make fun with humanity that flows through us.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have one group to explore this over one year deepening in the work and group with time in-between to research, rest and reflect.

Over 4 weekends that span throughout one year participants will


  • Gather rigorous theatrical tools to move life.

  • Explore the theatrical play of our inner human dynamics.

  • Learn how to hold space for moving themes with the light curiosity of the player.

  • Trust to follow the moment and the forms that arrive and enjoy the imagery that appears.

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." Shakespeare

Weekend 1
The improvising fool

The foundation of play

The state of play,
Reacting rather than Acting
Following the body in the sublime moment.
The ritual of the stage
Viewpoints improvisation



Weekend 2 
Moving life
Playing humanity

Movement analysis
The player, the form and the space.
Exploring the dynamics of the world
Mimo dynamic work from Jaque Lecoq

Weekend 3
The Inner Dynamics

Understanding the psyche as a multitude of characters
The research of collective Roles.
Polarities of phycological movements by Giovanni Fusetti. 
Developing our cast of characters personal to us to be used in improvised and scripted structures
Amplification, breath and play


Weekend 4
The Shapeshifting Fool

Harvesting our work.
Shifting and playing the many
Exploring themes
The ritual of the Audience.

Open showing


Archetypes, in spite of their conservative nature, are not static but in a continuous dramatic flux.

Thus the self as a monad or continuous unit would be dead. But it lives inasmuch as it splits and unites again. There is no energy without opposites!

Carl Jung

This is a play training. Which may have therapeutic affects but it is not a therapy. I am not a trained therapist. This work will come with a greater understanding of the self which may bring up uncomfortable emotions and although I and the group will hold a safe space for each other this workshop is not a therapeutic Journey. It requires a stable emotional state. If required it is recommended to gather the necessary therapeutic support. And come in contact with me if you're unsure if it's for you. 

“What doesn’t move gets stuck” Giovanni Fusetti.

















“A part is not just a temporary emotional state or habitual thought pattern. Instead, it is a discrete and autonomous mental system that has an idiosyncratic range of emotion, style of expression, set of abilities, desires, and view of the world. In other words, it is as if we each contain a society of people, each of whom is at a different age and has different interests, talents, and temperaments. In”

― Richard C. Schwartz, Internal Family Systems Therap

Commedia dell’Arte

Was a popular form of theatre in the 16th -18th century originating in Italy. 
I am no expert on Commedia i don’t claim to have all the knowledge or know all the characters or forms.

One thing I do know and am extremely influenced by, is the style of play.
Commedia was all about the prowess of the player fuelled by archetypical Human drives.
It was a set of forms or masks that had a rough plot to play around and they would improvise. Driven by very human desires. (sex, hunger, greed) The forms held the structure the players needed and a very vibrant, physical and alive play would flow in this state.
This simplicity, this amplified and improvised play on human drives inspires this work. 

Where does this workshop grow from?

This workshop comes after my research creating 'Jimmy - a ridiculous Tragedy'. Where I did a similar process of mapping out my inner roles (as well as the collective ones. Inspired by the male idiot workshop and mentored by Giovanni Fusetti) Bringing them into character form through the question ‘how do they move’ and then letting them play.
What arrived when on stage was an incredible freedom of improvising and writing, These forms knew what to do. If i.. the player. Put my focus on breathing into the forms and moving them. They would lead the way. I don’t have to think or worry. They would move, I would move with them and the audience would be moved by them.

Who is this workshop for?

Performers looking to broaden their horizons of play and creation. 
Humans looking to broaden their horizons of play and life. 

The Trainer

Richard UK is a player and pedagog of physical theater.
He is Assistant teacher at the prestigious Ecolé Philippe Gaulier
Guest Teacher at Matteo Destro's Mask Movement Atelier 
and Trained in the Pedagogic field by Giovanni Fusetti. 

He's played the last 11 years around the world with Barada Street
Shapeshifts between the many inner roles of masculinity.

In his hit solo 'Jimmy - A ridiculous Tragedy'
Toured with Clown troupe - Plague of Idiots
Confuses and amuses many with his Maybe Magic comedy Show
and Plays music with Tiny Tall Tales
Along with founding and programming the Gut Alaune Performance


He has many years experience facilitating groups,
and has knowledge and understanding in non violent communication,
gestalt therapy and internal family systems therapy. 

More on the trainer here

"Richard Kimberely is a brilliant teacher. He opens space for barrier-free learning, makes fail possible so everyone can laugh and is free to dare. All his exercises invite for playfulness and open-hearted fun." Philippe Leeb - Austria


When: 2026 4 weekends across the year

10:00 - 17:30 daily 

Dates to be confirmed Sooooon

Please note this is a continues learning journey and

participants must attend all classes.

It is not possible to join only selected weekends.

Fee: 600 - 1500 Euros. (Self reflected sliding scale) 

People: Min 6 participants, maximum 10

Accommodation and Food: is not provided and must be arranged by participant. 

Confirmation: on acceptance, 300 Euros must be paid to confirm the booking and the remaining money in full before the workshop start. Split payments could be an option if desired. We can discuss what fits for us both.   

 See Terms and Conditions here

Where: Vienna  

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